
**Please note, I am away from the office on parental leave until April 2024. Feel free to reach out, but note that response times will be delayed. For more immediate support, I encourage you to check out Healing Tree Counseling, PLLC and the Inclusive Therapists directory for high-quality, justice-oriented mental health support.**



2208 E 14th St.
Austin, TX

T: 512-655-9802

Angeline Miller, MA, LPC Associate
Supervised by:
Michelle Silva Segura, LPC-S, LMFT-S, SEP

Office Details

Healing Tree Counseling, PLLC is located in East Austin.  We are near the following neighborhoods: Downtown, Mueller, Cherrywood, Central East Austin, Holly, MLK, and U.T.


Please allow for 3-4 business day for a response. Note that email is not a secure form of communication for confidential information. You are welcome to call me directly at 512-655-9802.

Additionally, I do not offer crisis or emergency counseling. If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, please reach out to the crisis line at 512.472.4357 or go to your nearest emergency room.